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My personal romance with Behance has started thousands of years ago, aka in 2014. Plenty of time to develop, right? Four years! Time for a tiny disappointment. Until 2018 I have had around 3000 views and 300 upvotes. Not too spectacular.
However, I decided that this year's going to be different. I aimed at least 10 thousand views. Literally one week later our graphic design team got a new task - to create a Behance profile for our company. What a beneficial coincidence, isn't it?
Before approaching this challenge, I've read plenty of articles promising easy ways of spectacular promotion. Sadly, 80 per cent of these tips had no use. I had to experiment. By trial and error, we gained 20 000 views, 3 000 upvotes and 400 followers. For comparison, a good rate is 1 to 10. It means that the ratio should be 1000 upvotes for every 10000 views. As you can see, we did some magic here.
I'm starting this list of Behance tips with not quite a rocket science. The basic and most proper way of promotion is simply giving the quality. Provide viewers with well-designed projects. Long cases are not a must. If you don't have time for preparing a huge, high-quality presentation, create 4-5 panels – polished and interesting. However, if you want to do some extra promotion, keep on reading!
The second (but not less important!) thing is upvoting and commenting projects of other designers. Testing this method has brought us awesome results. For example, writing ten comments on different projects of different designers on average causes 5 upvotes and 2 comments. By giving 20 likes, you can gain around 4 upvotes. As you can see, commenting is more economic, despite being time-consuming.
Be careful there! "Cool project" or "Awesome" doesn't count. To have a feedback, you need to engage. Write what do you like about the project. Express your emotions. Give some words of encouragement. Simply provide the owner of the presentation with some good vibes. That may cause them to want to give back a favor by visiting your profile. Are you better at Photoshop than at creative writing? No problem, special services are here to help! For example,, which generates engaging comments.
It's best to comment work of designers with average account rates. Why? A designer having millions of views is not going to even notice your activity around their projects. Avoid the other extreme, too. Designers with 10 followers are not going to help your promotion. They have only few people following their activity.
Create beautiful and curious project covers. Obviously, they have to match the content of your presentation so that the viewer wasn't disappointed after empty promises made by the packing. Displaying the main concept is always a good idea. Or go wild and prepare mystery cover. Make people can't help clicking on your project! Also, it's worth changing covers after a while. This way you gain the second wave of viewers who weren't attracted by the first version.
Simply join groups! Choose the ones that have lots of subscribers and upvotes. For example, a group that accepted me in the first place counted 1,225,180 views and 2360 readers. Not all the groups will accept you but no worries! There is plenty of them, so you have many chances. When you get accepted, post your project in the group. That is going to increase the activity on your profile. Plus groups are full of inspiring projects. So many advantages!
Beyond all the Behance tips, this one has given us the most spectacular results. HYIP is a chance to gain more views in a short period of time. We have created a small project: Redesign of Behance. On the day of publication, we reached 1,3 views. In 3 hours! After one week the numbers increased to 7500 views and 850 upvotes.
Prepare for some criticism. The more people see you, the more chances of getting a downvote. However, the results are worth it.
Now it's time for a tip for a quick increase in the number of subscribers. Search for the latest projects, pick your category (for example "UI"). You'll find projects that have been already uploaded and have 0-2 upvotes. If you are one of the first upvoters, project owners will be very likely to follow your work. Section of latest projects consists of 80% of work of beginning designers who need support. For 20 upvotes you can get about 4-5 followers. Comments do the true magic in such projects: leave one and new followers will appear immediately! This Behance tip demands some effort, but in the end it's definitely worth it!
We have been using all of Behance tips mentioned before. What are the results? On average, we have 120 views and 20 upvotes per day. My daily routine is giving 10 upvotes to other projects. On the day of publishing, new projects gain circa 250 views and 50 upvotes. In the future, we want to create even better presentations. You know, perfection comes with experience.
The goal for this year? 80 thousand views and 10 thousand upvotes. The work is in progress!
What are your Behance tips? Ha Let's share some good habits and grow together!
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ServoCode Sp. z o.o.
Jasionka 954E, 36-002 Jasionka, Poland
NIP: 8133719852
REGON: 364182909
KRS: 0000611643
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